At the end of your day, pitching your gear should be as painless as taking off your shoes. ENO's Patented SlapStrap system works anywhere and straps to anything. Hanging your ENO hammock just got even easier. It took only minutes before, now in only a few seconds you can be relaxing.
ENO SlapStraps are efficient and intuitive. The SlapStrap hammock suspension system provides six points on each side to attach to the carabiner ends of a hammock. This enables two points of contact up to twenty feet apart. Let your imagination pick your next resting spot. Be in charge of your relaxation efforts, anywhere: off streets signs, roof racks, rocks, and big city apartment porches. ENO provides the possibility. You provide the creativity.
The ENO's SlapStraps come in pairs. They are packaged in their own stuff sack made from ENO hammock materials and colors. Easy set up is essential. While ENO's SlapStrap system is made for ENO hammocks, it can be used easily with virtually any hammock on the market.